Welcome to my website.  I’m very happy to have you here. 

Yoga is the best method that would lead to total health, longevity, and peace of mind –Yogacharya Sri T. Krishnamacharya

The focus of my own yoga practice and the yoga I teach stems from this belief. Yoga can be practiced by anyBody at any stage or circumstance in life, and it is each of the 8 Limbs of Yoga that can take us towards the ultimate goal – a stillness within ourselves and an understanding of our true nature. My hope is that my teaching helps you to come to know this place and to let you see the light ahead on your path of Yoga as my own teachers and practice do for me.

If you’re visiting my website for the first time, and if you have the time, please read my introductory blog about how I came to have a website

Portrait of Louise Yoga with Dog

About Louise Yoga

Louise’s introduction to yoga came at a youthful age with yoginis Mum and older sister in the home. During her early working life, Louise went to classes in local gyms and only acknowledged the physical benefits of yoga. It was not until her move to Ireland in 2008 that Louise began to explore yoga inside the body - triggering an awareness and experience of the connection between mind and body through breath…

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Yoga Classes

Yoga Logo - Louise Yoga



Back Care Yoga


Chair Yoga


Private Group Yoga

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